Our Vision
“I’ve never been more proud to be a part of the animal agriculture industry. However, it is our farmers who are at the forefront facing all types of challenges. It is our duty in the research and industry communities to come together to provide innovative solutions to optimize the agility and sustainability of our agricultural enterprises while maintaining the health of the animals and the environment. Feeding management, feedstuffs, and feed additives are critical components to any successful livestock operation. We at AIN thrive to optimize animal utilization of conventional forages and feeds, and work collaboratively with our research partners to develop novel feeds from sustainable resources and innovative feed additives to enhance the health and productivity of our livestock.”
Dr. Ousama AlZahal, President & Founder
Presedent & Founder
Dr. Ousama AlZahal
With more than 20 years of international experience working within the agricultural academic and industrial sectors, Ousama AlZahal has a strong practical understanding of global dairy, beef and small ruminant production systems and economics in NA, LATAM, EMEA, and Australasia. A collaborator by nature, he is always involved with new developments and innovations, challenges, and trends in the global ruminant industry, and applies this considerable knowledge to feed manufacturing, regulation and product registration. Additionally, Dr. AlZahal brings solid knowledge of animal health, clinical nutrition with an emphasis on nutritional and metabolic disorders in ruminants, physiology, microbiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology. Further, he uses his extensive practical experience in ration formulation and balancing and methods of assessing the quality of forages and alternative feeds to supplement his use and development of applied mathematical models in agriculture. He is a team player, always focused on the benefits and sustainability of the agricultural system.

Doctor of Philosophy (Animal Biochemistry) | 2008
Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Master of Science (Ruminant Nutrition) | 2001
Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (Large & Small Animals) | 1997
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hama, Syria
Professional Experience
Global Ruminant R&D Manager | 2016-2020
University of Guelph, Department of Animal Biosciences, Guelph, Ontario
Special Graduate Faculty | 2017 – Present
Research Associate | 2013-2016
Post-Doctoral Fellow | 2008-2013
Research and Teaching Assistant | 2001-2013
Independent Consultancy, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Consultant | 2008-2016
The Veterinary Clinic, Damascus, Syria
Veterinarian | 1995-1997
Invited Book Chapters | 1
Conference Abstracts | 50
Conference Proceedings| 7
Google Scholar Citations | 1837
Google Scholar h-index | 24
Google Scholar i10-index | 35